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January 2020

WW Fenn

A wander through the forest

Fed my eyes with a wonder unmatched.

It was a strange sight at first

Yet I stood behind the trees

Wondering what the lone bird was doing. 


I had followed the nimbus I saw afar off  from the front porch of the hut. 

Apparently, my eyes were enamored with the halo

My curious mind, tingling with excitement at what I might discover. 


It was a Phoenix

Its eyes as blue as sapphire stared somewhere behind me

As I was gripped by fear mixed with excitement,

I heard the snap of wings

And my eyes darted backwards

But it was only the snap of its wings which ignited fire, ebbing at its foot. 


The fire sparkled brightly as it soared upwards towards the nimbus in the sky

Guilt tinged my soul

As I felt like I was peeping into

a private ritual

But my curious mind couldn't leave the place. 


With each spark of the flames

The bird got consumed

Its wings wrapped in fire as its beak rose high with eyes towards the sky.


Soon enough, its body disappeared in the flames

And I noticed my cheeks were wet in tears

I made to turn back home

And cry into my pillow 

About the beautiful horror my eyes just witnessed.

What lay on the spot aside from the ashes could have only been magical

For in the hot ashes

Rising out of it,

Lay another phoenix, redeemed

And with a flap of its wings

Soared high into the sky. 




I chose this piece because I really like the Phoenix bird, mainly because it’s dumbeldores pet, but also because it is a very unique and stunning bird. This poem deepens into the meaning of the Phoenix and how when the Phoenix dies it rises from the ashes it sheds when it passes.

Music Memoir

Music Memoir

How different music isn’t bad music


Dubstep didn't invent bass, it just zoned in on it - Kode9


Electronic music is much different from popular music. TheFatRat and Skrillex were two artists that got me into the electronic/dubstep genre, which I now listen to a lot. I discovered Skrillex when I was in fifth grade, when I went over to my cousins house for a sleepover. Little that I know I would listen to this artist much more than just once. 

        It was Friday afternoon, and my aunt (Callen’s mom) picked Callen and I up from school and brought us back to their house. Callen told me that he had heard this dubstep song that he really liked and he wanted to show it to me. When we got to his house, we headed to the kitchen and got on his computer. 

       He played this song called Ruffneck by Skrillex. It started with a weird tune played by a type of violin, and after 16 beats it went to the prechorus, in which it constantly said, “are you ready for the Ruffneck bass?” Then the dubstep part came on, which I kind of liked. It was pretty ridiculous, but it sounded really awesome after listening to it more than once. It was pretty repetitive, but it wasn’t that bad. We looked at some more songs by Skrillex, and they were all pretty similar. We both loved his songs, and listened to them throughout the day. I had started playing a game recently called Geometry Dash which has a long of electronic songs, including songs by an artist called TheFatRat. They weren’t as dubstep and crazy as Skrillex, but they produce EDM music (electronic dance music), which is similar to dubstep. Callen and I made a playlist of Skrillex and TheFatRat songs, and we listened to them as we did more research on the artists. By the next week, we were fully into the two producers and we listened to them all the time. 

     As I listened to the two artists songs, I thought about how low the chance of actually finding these artists were. I had never really listened to electronic/dubstep music ever before, but once I did I was automatically into it. I realized that you can’t know if you like a genre unless you listen to it more than often. 

       Sometimes listening to music that isn’t as popular as most music is the type of music you will always love, so don’t be ashamed that you listen to different music, be proud.