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March 2020

Slam Poem #1

I sit down on the living room couch and turn on the TV, just to see another suicide.

Another suicide caused by hate, another suicide caused by depression, another suicide, because someone in this world felt that their life was so horrible they decided they shouldn’t be alive, and even though they thrived they felt so deprived that they decided that they should not survive despite all the drive to do well in life. You might think it’s ridiculous that someone should take their life because of some silly kid at school who wouldn’t stop picking on them, but most people don’t know the immense pain that is strongly gained from someone who thought it was funny to make fun of someone who is lonely with no friends to obtain. And at this point the brain can’t explain or maintain all the pain coming down like hailing rain, and nobody does anything about it. Nobody notices or even cares about that one tiny little midget in the third grade, as scared and helpless as a mouse, who gets beaten up everyday by seventh grade devils and called names. Not even the teachers care about what’s going on, they just assume the kid will suck it up and move on. No one cares, until he finally kills himself. Until he finally makes the decision that he can’t live a life when he gets to school everyday just to get his lunch money snatched by a bunch of 13 year old jerks who think it’s funny to see a kid half their size cry and wail and get beaten up. So next time you see someone who is sad and seems like they don’t want to be alive anymore, don’t ignore them, because once they end it for good, you will feel the most guilt you will ever feel. Because you didn’t do anything. You didn’t take any action. You didn’t try to help him. You didn’t even care.

A Slice of Life

A Slice of Life

Why lunchtime is not all about food


Every gathering has its moment - David Sedaris

Lunchtime. After five hours of not eating, lunchtime is the most awaited period of the whole entire school day. Lunch is always at 1:15 PM, which I think is too late. Last period is always hell, given the fact that lunch is next period and everyone is starving. Sometimes the lunch is something that doesn’t appeal to me at all, and sometimes it’s something that I will chow down like a 2,000 pound cow. And if the lunch is not something I like, I can always find something else to eat, even if it’s two slices of toast with strawberry jam.

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50 Miles Per Hour

50 Miles Per Hour

Why tucking down a ski trail isn’t always the best idea


My drug of choice is white powder - Sweatshirt company


Skiing fast can be a delightful thrill. But I have not always been responsible with my ability to speed down a steepish ski trail. This thrill comes into play in a lot of different scenarios, but most of those scenarios are racing against my own friends.

     ‘Twas the day after thanksgiving, and a beautiful day it was. Four of my friends, Evan, Max, Gus, and Herrick, and I were planning on having a race down a blue square called Cascades. It wasn’t a super steep trail in general, but there were some steep areas where you could catch a ton of speed. We all lined up at the top of the trail.


      I was pretty shocked that I fell, because I felt a lot of control before the fall. Right before I fell, I just lost balance. I realized that doing these kinds of races with friends can be fun, but you need to be careful and cautious to your surroundings and what is going on.

      Even though going fast on skis is super fun and exciting, you always have to be careful and not to too fast, because it could happen that one second you’ll be having the time of your life, the next your riding in a sled with a fractured tibia.