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Final Year Metacognition

Final Year Metacognition

Even though things are difficult, they will prepare you


It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end - Ernest Hemingway



       At the beginning of the school year, I was a bit worried about doing Fitz English, because I had heard that it is very difficult compared to other English classes, and there’s a lot of work required. 

       At the beginning of the school year, Our class hit the ground running. We had to write a good amount of essays based on books, and other experiences in life. The whole entire blog/pages/typepad etc. how do you very confused in the beginning, and I was wondering why we couldn’t just submit our essays to a dropbox and have it be graded that way. It did take me a while to figure it all out, but I eventually figured out how the blog worked and how we were supposed to post stuff up on the blog.

       Some essays were fun to write, and some essays weren’t. I liked writing essays about fun experiences that I’ve had, because it’s a way to think back of the good times that you had previously in your lifetime. Some essays weren’t fun to write though, because there were a lot of essays that we had to write where I couldn’t really think of a topic or something to write about in the whole entire essay, and it would take me a lot of brainstorming and thinking to do to finally come up with the subjects, and after I finish the essay, it would turn out not so good and I would not be satisfied with myself.

       What I really did enjoy about English class was all the books we read. I remember Reading The Call of the Wild, and even though doing the annotations in the book was really annoying, I actually really did enjoy the book and I enjoyed writing the final essay for the overview of the book. There were some other fun small projects that we did, like making anchor podcasts and posting those to our blog. For example, I remember making the slam poems in our class and posting it to my blog, and being really proud of myself for surprising myself of how good I am at writing. 

       Speaking of myself as a writer, I really did improve as a writer this year in Fitz English, I realize how good I was at actually expressing my thoughts in just an essay. I thought writing would be extremely hard at the beginning of the year, but as the months went by, became more of a natural feel to write essays, basically just a flow of thoughts transferring from your brain to your fingers to the screen. 

       Doing online classes with English required less essays, but more focus in class. It was a bit hard for every class during online schooling, but I got through it and I graduated the eighth grade. 

       Overall, being in Fitz‘s English class was a thrill, and even though it was pretty hard at some points, and at some point I feel like I just wanted to rip my hair out of my skull, it taught me a lot and I’m definitely prepared for high school now.


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