The Ski Race of Disappointment
Final Year Metacognition

My Strange Addiction

My Strange Addiction

Why I watch too many horror movies


Heeeeeere’s Johnny! - Jack Torrence


A terrified family, haunted by an unspeakable evil, unaware of their own daughters possession. An African American man visiting his girlfriends family’s house to find a strange aggression. A deaf women in a home invasion situation. A newly wedded wife who’s new family has a deadly blood relation. A possessed doll. A demon nun. A psychic father. A shining son. All of these phrases are in some way similar, and if you think it’s just horror movies, you’re wrong, it’s something much more sinister...

     Ever since the spring of 2019, I have had a horror movie obsession. I have watched over 30 horror movies in less than nine months, and I am hoping to get to 50 before my high school year starts. You guys may be wondering why I watch so many of these horror movies. Well, allow me to explain.

     Horror movies have had a deep impact on me. I do have a lot of fun watching a suspenseful, thrilling, and terrifying movie, because for some reason I just absolutely love getting scared, but they have also allowed me to become more open and outgoing in life. Many people (including my parents) say that watching horror movies is a waste of time, that there’s no plot or point in the movie, asking why I pay money to scare the living crap out of me, etc. And they’re not exactly wrong. You’re probably reading this right now agreeing with the lists of things people say to me, and I don’t blame you. Horror movies in a sense are a waste of time, but not for me. I’m different.

      It was Sunday, April 14th, 2019, and I was on my way, with my mom, to watch the movie Us. I had heard a couple kids talking about the movie in school, and it seemed really scary. I had never really seen a horror movie, except Jaws. I didn’t think Jaws really counted as a horror movie, considering it was made in 1974 and it was dubbed a “thriller.” Sorry I’m actually watching a horror movie right now (it’s  called Truth Or Dare) and I felt like it was an appropriate time to mention that I was watching a horror movie. Anyway, moving on. We got into the theaters, and I was a feeling a bit “eh” because my mom was watching it too, and I was worried about a “you know what” scene. Luckily that scene never came across. The movie was pretty good from the beginning, and I felt surprisingly comfortable watching people get brutally stabbed and murdered by their evil doppelgängers. Throughout the whole movie, I had to take a piss really bad, and by the end of the movie I figured nothing exciting was going to happen so I went to the bathroom. When I came back, my mom looked at me like I had just shoved a rotten tomato up my nose. “You literally just missed the most important part of the movie,” said my mom. Spoiler alert: apparently the normal people were the evil people the whole time, and the evil people were the normal people. I felt pretty stupid after that happened, and I had to wait like two months for the scene to be on YouTube. Since then, I have watched a countless amount of horror movies.

      Trying something new and out of your comfort isn’t always a bad choice, and if you end up trying something out of your comfort zone, you might be surprised. And always go to the bathroom before watching a movie in theaters.




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