The Power of Chores
The Ski Race of Disappointment

The Power of I

The Power of I

How everybody has different thoughts


“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right” - Henry Ford



       I am a human being that has a lot of thoughts. I think about a lot of things, mostly the things that aren’t as important in life, but the things that I think should be more fair. When your playing a game of monopoly and you figure out your friends are teaming up on you, or when you get in trouble because you lightly tapped your sister who then decided to throw things at me, and you take all of the blame. All of these things happen so much to me, and even though it’s not the biggest deal in the world, I believe that things like this are not fair and should be treated more seriously.

       I am a person who believes in persistence. I listen to my head and heart, who both tell me to keep going and never give up. Take video games for example. Sure, it’s not the biggest thing in life, but I have learned a lot from video games to never give up, even though rage quitting can be so easy. If I get second place in a game of Fortnite, I keep playing until I get a win (unless my mom tells me to get off screens). If I’m playing geometry dash and I get 99% on a hard demon after over 1000 attempts, I think to myself, “yes you got 99%, yes it’s annoying, but don’t be sad, because now your 100% positive you can beat the level.” I am not a quitter, and I never will be.

       I hope one day the world will understand more things than they do now. Suicide, pollution, global warming, all of the important things are being left aside while the small things are the only things getting taken care of. I want a world where everyone pitches in. I want a world where there are less suicides, I want a world where someone littering is rare, and most of all, I want a world where people care about their home.

       When I am down and sad about something, I try to think that everything’s going to be okay. I definitely have to say this to myself especially when my school grades aren’t going well, or when I have procrastinated all night and I have a math test tomorrow. I try to handle stress well, but it doesn’t always work. I have always been a person who doesn’t work well under pressure, but the key is if you work harder and better than you ever have before, most of the pressure will fade away and you will eventually have everything under control.

       I eat to live, I don’t live to eat. I take that back, sometimes I live to eat. But most people don’t take these things they have for granted. Every time I eat a super nice meal, i think to myself, “about 80% of the people in this world, maybe even more, don’t have the opportunity to do a lot of the things I do on a daily basis. So unless I’m eating Pringle’s, I try to savor every bite of food and enjoy the food as much as I can.

       I definitely overthink a lot of subjects, my curious mind always flooded with these crazy questions that usually have a much simpler answer than I expected. But asking all of these question and expressing all of these thoughts can possibly change multiple peoples perspective on things, which can maybe help others.




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This writing is very moving, I really enjoyed reading this and agreed with the third paragraph that you wrote. Overall just a really well done writing piece. Great job.


I really liked the second and third paragraphs; especially the part where you talked about how people were focusing on the smaller issues, while ignoring the larger ones.

Finn hudson

I really liked how you started off the wring and some of the concepts you used in the second paragraph. This wring was very well done and had a lot of great ways of describing different issues in the world.

Will Hatten

I liked how you focused on smaller issues and it seemed like you tried to ignore the biggest ones. Great job!

Kevin Yuan

I like how you start off small, and then you go big, giving hopes for the future, then you go back to yourself again. Nice writing.

Jack Doherty

I really liked reading this piece, it flowed very well, and it was a great job overall.


This is what I would call wise and wonderful. You write like a philosopher and you think like a kid, and it is an awesome combination.

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