Walden Writing Prompt #3
Power of Place #2

Nature Reflection

   The Little Things



Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies

~Mother Teresa

    I sit quietly following the blue mark on the wing of a hummingbird with my eye. The other eye catching onto the dirt left on the foot of a hungry squirrel. Who would have thought there would be so much food for thought at a local park. The same park my brother’s had half a dozen birthday parties at. This place brings back so many memories— some good; like the time our godfather surprised us with gifts. And some bad; like the time my uncle got pooped on by a goose— which was still pretty funny. My neighborhood park has changed so much without me every realizing: the old water park where the creepy old guy hung out was gone. And the large seal made of stone that spat fluoride filled tap water out of it’s mouth. There are always small things in life that seem insignificant until they are gone. We never know how to cherish and appreciate them which was a hard pill to swallow when memories start to fade away. I guess making the most of the simple things with the people you love is the only way to keep those memories from dissipating. Appreciate the nature, animals, and loved ones around you; you never know when they might be gone. 
