Daily Journal From Home #2
Sam Dean Memoir

Journal Entry From Home #3

Journal Entry #3


So far today has just been another day of online learning, although, It is still early in the morning, but nothing very interesting has happened yet. There is one interesting thing though. It’s my moms birthday! So today I started this morning by going downstairs, wishing her a happy birthday, giving her a card I made, and eating a delicious breakfast. Then I got dragged off to school. 

Sometimes school gets confusing for me. It’s hard to tell when and when I do not have a zoom meeting, so pretty much before every class I log into a Group FaceTime with a bunch of other 9th graders and we talk about which class we do and which classes we do not have. Those FaceTimes usually help me a lot.


I sat down to write this journal entry with no real driving topic that I wanted to talk about, so I decided to just let my fingers do the work, and I just began writing this. This journal entry seems to be jumping from one topic to another, but that could just be the nature of journal entries, just a rant about my day. Speaking of today,  think it is supposed to rain which is not fun, but I will figure something out to do. 

I am not sure what I am going to do when I finish writing and posting this, maybe play some xbox because I do not have another class for a little while. Maybe get some work done too. Like I said in one of my past journal entries, I am living in the present.
