My Days At Home
My Days At Home
So quickly, the days go by
While at home all day time seems to fly
Time for dinner!! We just had breakfast I thought
I assumed it was still morning
I guess not
Weekends are relaxed
Not much to do at all
Just hang out with my family, do homework, play xbox, thats all
Despite the lack of things to do
Time just seems to be sped up
I just don’t understand it
How can it be true
Lazy days sitting by the lake
Lazy days playing xbox
Lazy days playing games with my family
And online school
Besides the days where I am doing online school
Every other day seems to be pretty lazy
So I wonder, should I change that
Should I make something of this time
I’m pretty sure the time wouldn’t fly by as much
It would be slower days
But days well spent
Just only if I knew how to spend them
I have so much time on my hands
Maybe I should spend some time thinking
How can I find a positive side of the situation the worlds in
What can I do
How can I motivate to do it
This is a good scenario to get things done
The question is
Will I?