My Walk with Solitude
The Power of Reflective Thought

Survival in Lord of the Flies

Civilization: a key part of survival

    Working together is the most efficient way to thrive. In the book, Lord Of The Flies, by William Golding, civilization plays a huge part in the survival of the group of boys stranded on an island. Nothing comes easy while being stranded on an island. There are natural resources to access, but work is necessary to use the resources you can get. Ralph, the leader of the group, decides to call a group meeting. This meeting was different than a usual meeting, it was more serious. Ralph sat on a fallen trunk as everyone gathered around, and he began to tell everyone about the situation they were in and that they needed to become civilized and work together to survive.

We’re on an island. We’ve been on the mountaintop and seen water all round. We saw no houses, no smoke, no footprints, no boats, no people. We’re on an uninhabited island with no other people on it. [Lord Of The Flies, pg. 32]

Civilization is important in the book because it is needed in order for the boys to survive. “Nobody knows where we are. We may be here a long time.” When Ralph said this during the meeting, they all come to the realization that they need to buckle down and work to survive by hunting for food and building shelters. The meeting from the quote above is the moment in the book when the boys realize that they are alone, and need to try their hardest to survive. Civilization is important in all of life, without the hard work and assistance of others we would make very little progress in life.


Writing this literary analysis was good for me, it helped me reflect on the chapters I have read. I came up with civilization for my theme, I think that civilization is crucial in the book and for the survival of the boys in Lord Of The Flies. Writing the piece took the majority of the class time, but it was worth it because it got me to rethink what I had read. Overall, good and helpful writing assignment.
