A Slice of Life
Finding meaning in the little things...
“Sometimes, little things make a big difference...”
Through better and worse, happy and sad, hilarious and serious, we are all wrapped up and boxed at Fenn School--so we may as well write about it. Thanks for your first efforts at posting on your blog. After I write this, I will take a little trip of my own down Freshman Blog Boulevard and reward myself with some good reading. You should do the same! I have yet to meet a person who doesnt like a good and sincere comment left on their blog posts.
The best essays start as journal entries because journal entries are real. Your flesh and blood and spirit. They are you captured in a stream of honest words and reflective thought. The best journal entries are not about grand sweeping experiences. They are about the small--and often profound--moments that are worth remembering for what happened, but more so for what that experience meant to you then, and (more importantly) what it means to you now.
For this assignment, write a journal entry about some small part of your life at Fenn (even, as in Xing Zhuahao's case, only a week!). It can be as dumb and real as waiting for the damn toast machine, sitting on the couches in front of Star's office, playing reckless basketball before school, or some funny moment in class. Or it can be a more profound moment of realizing who and what makes for a good friend, some teacher's moment when you found one who actually "gets" who you are, some moment when you realize getting cut from a team or given two lines in a play is NOT the end of the world, or when you realize that a bad grade on a paper will never define who you are...
The list is as infinite as you.
Find some time over the next couple of days to open Day One and tap put 300-500 words or so that cuts out a slice of your life at Fenn and see what happens.
Maybe it will be your next essay...
DUE: Wednesday Morning before you leave for your trip.
Submission: Export as a pdf to the dropbox.