The Uses and Abuses of Rhetoric
Journal Entry #3

The Week in Review: 9/5-9/16

Assignments, Projects & Classwork: 9/5-9/16

Welcome to your weekly "Week in Review." This should be the first and last place to go to when wondering what is due and when it is due--so get used to it. It is also the place that posts updates to assignments, and updates are usually good for you--meaning, I probably got rid of an assignment or shortened an assignment. I will never add another assignment or lengthen one.

Read this. Post a thoughtful comment that somehow shows you have read the "Week in Review." 

The assignments are in the extended entry!


  1. Summer Portfolio: Format your summer writing work in a Pages doc, titled Last Name Summer Writing Portfolio.
  2. Read & Comment on my “Welcome” essay posted on my blog: Your comment should focus on figuring out what I am writing about.

Friday:  The Seven Pillars and our Essential Themes of the year: The Essence of Community, the Power of Place & and the Value of Stewardship.

  1. Homework: Journal Entry #1: Write a 400 word journal entry that explores your thoughts about the Essence of Community, the Power of Place & and the Value of Stewardship.

Monday: C-day... No class!


1. Journal Entry #2: be prepared to hike to the river and write in your journal. From another person's point of view--and focusing on community, place and stewardship--write about what kind of person that you (as in being seen by this other person) will have been on the class trip to Camp Belknap.


  1. Weekend Homework: Write an honest 400 word journal entry that explores your thoughts and takeaways from your class trip.
