The Week in Review: 12/4-12/9
Writing your essay...

Exam Prep Portfolio

Fitz Freshman English 

Mid-Year Exam Prep Portfolio

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Failing to plan is the same as planning to fail
~Ben Franklin

Your mid-year exam is composed of four parts. Share with me as Last Name Midyear. I estimate it will take six-eight hours to thoughtfully work through this prep sheet. Four to five hours will be in in class time. The rest is on your own—so “Eat your cow” lest the King will have your head.

  1. The first part is this Exam Prep Portfolio. Complete this over the course of the next week. It is meant to mimic the amount of time you should spend preparing for a major exam.

  2. The second part is to write five Exam Prep Metacognition’s. Three this week and two next week.. Be sure to put your metacognition’s in this portfolio in a timely way!

  3. During the exam period, comment thoughtfully on your classmates’ “Power of Tradition” narrative paragraphs and “A Child’s Christmas in Wales” essay. Copy and paste your comments into the attached “Commenting Sheet.” 

  4. The final task is to write a 350 word reflection/metacognition "after" finishing the exam that explores your exam experience. Post the metacognition at the top of your exam portfolio.

And then you are off until January. I do appreciate all of the hard work you have done during this first half of the year. 


Exam Prep Portfolio

Download Freshman Mid-Year Exam use as you need them
