WW Fenn Speech
Fitz-Style Journal Entry #2

WW Fenn Metacognition

The Dreaded Week

Why isn’t There Private Speaking


        This was genuinely hard for me. Memorizing, upon public speaking, was definitely not my thing. The day that I had to present my WWFenn was the same day that I had to present to All School Meeting, and the day I had my first wrestling match. The reason I put myself up for these things is that I know it is my last year at Fenn, and what is the point of avoiding what is inevitable. Here at Fenn, if I had don't opted for these things, I would not have taken advantage of my leadership role as an 8th grader to confront my fears of public speaking. So might as well get it over with, so I don't look like as much of an idiot in high school.

I really tried to make my preparations ready for the performance. Still, as I have been taught over and over again, life doesn't go as planned. If I were to asses what I displayed as I recited my speech to the class, I would be extremely disappointed with what my grade would be. When I walked up on stage, all the points I could have accrued for my delivery were squandered even as I had practiced it so many times. Though you would expect my memorization to compensate for the delivery, my memorization had abrupt pauses in it, really throwing off the mood of speech. I had made sure I got this done before the speech, but public speaking won again.

Looking back at this, not even days could make the difference, immediately as I got on the platform to present, I just wanted to get it over with regardless of how I did so. I did have multiple sick days to try and get this down, but unfortunately, no matter the hours I spent, the only way I can conquer this fear of public speaking, is doing it in repetition till there is no dispute I feel comfortable on the big stage. Though in all looking at the effort I put in, I really tried.

Maybe if I have settled on a speech ahead of time, I would have been able to gain more familiarity with it. Still, I was indecisive, leaving me with less time to memorize, which was my fault in the end. I wanted to give myself more of a challenge by reciting the original. Though I felt I had something to prove in the length of the speech, so maybe if I had cut the address down a bit more, I would have been in a batter place. Lastly, I should have practiced in greater periods more often rather than three or four elongated sessions.



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