A Solitary Walk
The Power of Experience Test (15 minute paragraph)

Fitz-Style Journal Entry #1

Life on a Whim

The Probabilities of Life



“Chance corrects us of many faults

that reason would not know how to correct.”

Francois de la Rochefoucauld

        Ever wonder how we all came to being? I am not referring to the miracle of birth that led to our existence, but factoring in all the subsequent actions that happened before that. Scientists say there is a 1 in 400 trillion chance of a singular human being born and based on how little we still know, it is acknowledged that this probability will only go lower. Laying down my eyes to the star and fingers driving into the earth, I think, I think of the fact we can see roughly 9000 stars when we look at the night sky, and of those 9000 there could have been, or there could be a solar system which we have not truly observed. We live in a world dictated by chance and probability, yet we live not internalizing the possibilities, but their outcomes, resulting in the life that we live in. Probability defines the future as it is our past.

Factoring in the previous generations, all the different ways a birth could have gone, and several other known factors that inevitably lead to the production of ourselves only represents the 1 in 400 trillion statistic. Though what it can’t factor is what makes you, you. Starting from a younger age, there are so many small things I am assuming has made an impression on me today, whether it’s the way I think, act, or even my aspirations. As we were gathered for a meeting around the campfire in the summer camp, these epiphanies started to sink in, and soon I became aware that all existence is rooted in possibilities. Our future relies on these same possibilities, possibilities literary made this world. The majority of us rely on chance now as we are, for the most part, applying to private high schools. In this scenario, we find ourselves in a limbo of whether we are going to get in or not, factoring in all the potential outcomes, but all the others tend to escape us, and we begin to feel we have control over this dice of a world.

We live life like we control it, but in reality, with every year comes a higher chance of us dying, so I think we should all roll the dice, but we should be more cautious of the improbable vicissitudes life may throw.




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Once again, Yoni this piece was magnificent. Your writing about chance, and your wording around it was absolutely exquisite. You tied all of you’re topics together very nicely, and your ending sentence was very powerful. This piece left me sitting, and reflecting on what you wrote. Very good job Yoni!

Jamie Book

This was a great piece. The muscular verbs, some I didn’t even know, kept the piece flowing well, and kept me engaged. Great job, Yoni.

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