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Tom Sawyer Literary Reflection

Tom Sawyer Literary Reflection

It helps to relate to things


I tend to see the similarities in people and not the differences~Isabel Allende



     Finding similarities helps a reader be more engaged. during the reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer I as more engaged because I could relate to the main characters because he procrastinated. In the reading the main character and I had many similarities like procrastinated a lot and to take the lazy way through his work which I can relate with homework sometimes. I catch myself procrastinating a lot during my homework which is what Tom did in the reading. During the reading Tom procrastinated when he was supposed to be working which is very similar to the situation I had last night. Last night I had to do a lot of assignments, but instead of doing them I took the Tom Sawyer way of doing it and saved them for doing it during class. Another similarity between me and Tom sawyer is that he acted like the work that he did is for the special people, so it made the other kids want to do the work also, and I have tried to do this with chores sometimes with my brothers. During this reading I feel that the author took a great approach on having people being able to relate to the reading. In my opinion this made me more interested in the reading because I could relate to the feeling of wanting to do my work, but just not being able to do it. In my opinion I think it was worth it because I learned how in writing it helps to let the readers relate to the reading, which I feel will be a good style to try and write about from now on.



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Drew Callen

I definitely procrastinate a lot too which made this piece very relatable.

Willie Belle

I could also relate to Tom too, since almost every teenage boy procrastinates. The I also saved my assignments last minute too, which I regret but it ended up working out, just like Tom. I also liked your conclusion sentence.

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