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January 2020

WW Fenn Speech

WW Fenn Speech


By Wallace Stevens

One must have a mind of winter

To regard the frost and the boughs

Of the pine-trees crusted with snow;


And have been cold a long time

To behold the junipers shagged with ice,

The spruces rough in the distant glitter


Of the January sun; and not to think

Of any misery in the sound of the wind,

In the sound of a few leaves,


Which is the sound of the land

Full of the same wind

That is blowing in the same bare place


For the listener, who listens in the snow,

And, nothing himself, beholds

Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.


reflection: I chose this poem because the winter is my favorite season of the year and when I saw the piece I knew I wanted to choose it for my WW fenn speech. After reading the first couple of sentences I could relate to the reading because I feel that I have a mind of the winter.


The Power of Music

The Power of Music

music is a mood changer


“Without music, life would be a mistake” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche.


     Mood comes with music. When I listen to music I will have a certain mood depending on the mood of the song. Before a sports activity or a big event I will usually go to a more energizing type of music to get me ready. This will help me get in a good mood or mindset for the event. My dad and I are driving down to one of my teams big soccer games during a hot day at the start of the fall season. As we started to head down to my game I was pretty tired because it was a pretty early game, so I thought of ways to help with that. I started out by drinking some Gatorade and opening up my window, but those didn’t seem to work out very well. I eventually decided to take a different way of being energized, so I put on the most energizing music I like and eventually I was in a good mood to play my game in. Music has impacted me many times in my life like before the soccer game, whatever mood I am in I can play music that I will enjoy to listen to, and I can change my mood by putting on different music. I think that music is a very important thing in this world and it is a good way to show personality and change how someone acts depending on the music that is playing. In my life music has prepared me for many things and will continue to be a main part of my life. There is a reason why music is a big thing in most of everyone’s lives which is because it can make you feel any emotion you want you just have to pick the right song.