Daily journal #1
I wake up, but I can’t move
This must mean that it’s time for school
My body is telling me to wake up, but my eyelids are heavier than ever
I roll my self out of bed as my covers fall with me
I throw on some clothes and get on zoom
Wishing I was still in my room
First period was very boring
To the point where I was close to snoring
Zoom was lagging, so I couldn’t learn
The phone is starting to burn
Because it is so hot on my cold legs
After I sit through the long, but quick classes I try to relax myself, so I get on Fortnite
And after some wins the time is just before night
But before the night starts I remembered my daily run I have been doing for soccer
It is raining which is not a shocker
After my run through the cold rain
All of my energy I all down the drain
And my day is slowly coming to a end.
You certainly have the heart and soul and skill of a poet. This might be better broken up into some stanzas, but I do like it the way it is: raw and real with some clever tricks with words and rhymes.
Posted by: The Fenn Voice | 04/10/2020 at 08:56 PM
This was a nice poem, and I really liked how the first and last line were my personal favorite.
Posted by: Drew Callen | 04/13/2020 at 03:32 PM
This was a nice poem, and I really liked how the first and last line were my personal favorite.
Posted by: Drew Callen | 04/13/2020 at 03:32 PM
Great poem. I really liked the first 2 lines of the poem that you used I relate to that. The poem also flowed really nicely. Good job.
Posted by: Chad | 04/13/2020 at 05:59 PM
Great poem. I like how you put rhymes in the poem.
Posted by: Kevin Yuan | 04/15/2020 at 01:30 PM