Daily Journal #2
I wake up to the sun shining into my room
I look outside and the flowers are about to bloom
The outdoors looks warm and welcoming, but so does my bed
Kinda hungry, I may want some bread
But I can’t walk downstairs because my legs are feeling dead
After going on my phone for a bit and taking a shower I'm ready for my day
But I’m probably going to have to stay
Because of quarantine
I have to sit Behind screen
I decide to go outside after being stuck inside with nothing to do
The sky today is looking very blue
Decided to play some basketball
But then I got a call
It’s two of my friends saying to play Fortnite
So I walk downstairs to get on
I see it’s turning into dawn
My friends and I are playing some squads
Were playing like gods
We died a couple times and decided to go to sleep
This is when my day slowly drifts away
This is all I had to say.
Putting a day into a poem is a wonderful way to capture the images and your thoughts in a compelling way. I also really like the twist at the end. Nice job.
Posted by: The Fenn Voice | 04/10/2020 at 08:55 PM
The last line was good, and the poem overall had a humorous tone. Nice job on all of the rhymes too.
Posted by: Drew Callen | 04/13/2020 at 03:33 PM
I like the ryes throughout the poem it really adds to it in a special way. Ps I love the last line.
Posted by: Will Hatten | 04/13/2020 at 04:22 PM
I like the humorous tone throughout the piece. I like how you always start to do something, but then you decide to do something else instead.
Posted by: Kevin Yuan | 04/15/2020 at 01:26 PM