Daily Journal #3
I hear footsteps coming towards me, but I don’t know where I am, so I am running away from them, but suddenly I am awoken to my dad telling me to get up because this is the third time he has had to wake me up. I didn’t know this until I look and see that the time is 8:57 I wasn’t worried I first until I realized that it’s a school and I had advisory in 3 minutes. I didn’t have time to do anything, so I quickly put on some close and rushed downstairs while I joined my advisory at 9:00 on the dot, phew that was a close one. After a advisory that was 30 minutes that felt like 1 hour I was off to first period which was math, math has been the hardest class right now because he has been giving homework everyday that we have to do by only watching a video. Then we had English class, but something weird happened because whenever I tried to log in to the zoom it didn’t work, so I called everyone that I know in the class and got them in a single call. They all said that they were having issues joining also, so we all emailed Mr Fitz, but the time that he responded back the class was already over. During lunch break I had a late breakfast which was a bacon sandwich that are actually really good. During third period I had a study hall and I remembered that I had to write my second daily journal entry for Mr Fitz’s class, so I quickly got to that and I remembered that I actually enjoyed writing the poem the first time, so I figured I would do that again, but not this time. After finishing up the journal entry I got all of my props for the science video about food chain which took me until the end of the next period, but we didn’t have a zoom that day for Latin. I was about to go outside, but then I realized that I had my end of the day advisor in 1 minute, so I quickly rushed back inside and got onto the zoom just in time.during the advisory we didn’t really do much and Since this online school thing has started I haven’t understood why we do that end day advisory because we never do anything during that time. Once the end day advisory finally ended I went outside on to my trampoline which I have been doing a lot lately because he have mini basketball hoops on to the trampoline and it is really fun to play on them with my brothers. After being outside for about 45 minutes my mom came outside and she loves to rollerblade, so we rollerbladed down the street and down some hills around the neighborhood. Once we got back inside the house we ate dinner and I ended off my day playing some video games with my friends.
This is great. It has great energy and flow and covers a wide expanse of the day. All I would suggest is to break this into paragraphs to make for easier reading and a better flow. Thanks for a good effort
Posted by: The Fenn Voice | 04/10/2020 at 08:54 PM
I also have lots of technical difficulties with zoom, and I have also woken up after 8:55 literally every day of the week last week.
Posted by: Drew Callen | 04/13/2020 at 03:34 PM
Great food journal entry, I can relate because I have woken up at like 857 every day as well.
Posted by: Chad | 04/13/2020 at 06:00 PM
Nice essay, I like how well you describe your day. I’m always afraid of waking up late, so I always end up waking up too early.
Posted by: Kevin Yuan | 04/15/2020 at 01:29 PM