Remembering the old times
Year in Sports 2015

Narrative Story Skills


      During my Narrative story I tried to describe the better times before the quarantine. I tried to used writing skills in my Narrative story, but sometimes they were hard to use in that story. In the end I got to be able to use some of the skills I have learned over my time in fitz English. Usually in my writing pieces I like to start out with describing a scene so that how I started out by using one of the skills that I have learned in this class. Using descriptive scenes is easily my favorite skill to use because when I am reading I usually enjoy reading descriptive scenes and they help let the reader picture where they are. Another skill that I tend to use and used in the writing piece was muscle verbs, this skill is very helpful in my writing because when something is going fast in my writings I don’t like to say really fast, instead I just say zipped. The other skill that I used in my Narrative story is parallel structure when I talked about how I thought about all of the things happening in the crazy pandemic going in right now. Looking back at my writing price I think I could use some different skills than I usually do because I tend to use the same ones in most of my writing pieces.


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