Remembering the old times
Narrative Story
I am sitting downstairs with nothing to do as my LED lights are flashing around my room giving a soothing vibe as I think about the nightmare we are all living in. I wake up everyday to do nothing along with the other 7.8 billion people who are trapped in there homes and some people who don’t even have a home. I walk outside to enjoy the fresh air and maybe ride my bike around until a wave of reality smacks me across the face as I see people driving around me with gloves on and masks on. Every single time I log on to online zoom classes I think about how much better actual school is and how much fun being with my friends is.
As I lay down on my trampoline I think about the good times when I didn’t have to worry about being near other people. I think about the fun times I would’ve been having with my friends over the March break that was scheduled to be the best March break ever. Instead of that I ended up spending my birthday at home the whole day which was the highlight of my March break. I think about all of the fun times I had with my friends before the quarantine happened not knowing that it would be the last time together for a while. I think about how my soccer season was swept away in a instant. Last but not least I think about when things will be back to normal.
As I lay there on the trampoline I try to relive some times before this horrible nightmare. Sam Goorno and I are looking up Sugarbush mountain as it is being covered with powder as we eagerly put on our skis to get up the mountain and ski through the powder. We finally got on the chairlift after a long line and the powder was not skied off to much yet, so this would be the most powder I would have ever skied in my life. Once we got off the lift we raced over to a very fun black diamond with a very cool lip that you can jump off of into a nice steep section. Sam and both get decent air off of the lip and when I landed I didn’t feel anything because I sunk so far into the fluffy powder and it was the best feeling in the world. Then I zipped down the quick slope through all of the snow as it sprayed up behind me, and this is the kind of stuff that I miss most during the quarantine.
Another moment that I tried to relive is when I played Airsoft with some of my friends. Even though this wasn’t right before quarantine it still reminds me of the better times. Right before our first match it was my me, about five other friends and 20 middle aged men who play this everyday. One of my friends Kal was used to this because he does this a lot, but everyone else was frightened because we don’t know how much the guns hurt. In my first match I was camping in a corner of a house until someone peaked their head through a window and shot me, but the bullets didn’t hurt that much, so I wasn’t to scared for the next round. The next round I rushed up with the older guys and I aimed on someone that was peaking a window and got him right in the goggles. This was another time in my life that reminds of the better times.
This bad dream hopefully will end soon, so we can go back to the fun times.
This post is absolutely perfect. You capture our current reality and an incredibly real and meaningful way. Thanks. It's my birthday tomorrow, and I was thinking the same thing as you were on your birthday. Excellent post! Put the podcast on the top of the entry.
Posted by: Fitz... | 04/20/2020 at 06:11 PM
I love this post. I like how you flash through experiences that were memorable. I have done the same thing many time during quarantine and somehow it makes me miss my friends more.
Posted by: Will Hatten | 04/21/2020 at 09:06 AM
I too can relate to thinking back on the good memories we made before all this. Great piece, it is very well organized.
Posted by: Andrew Crofton | 04/21/2020 at 11:26 AM
Awesome post. I can really relate to this and I flash back to old memories before quarantine as well so it was great to read.
Posted by: Chad | 04/21/2020 at 12:38 PM
Nice writing. I like how even though you were mainly describing memories of the past, you still gave a setting of where you were.
Posted by: Kevin Yuan | 04/21/2020 at 01:05 PM
Great post and I really liked how you kind of flashed back to when you had a lot of fun with your friends.
Posted by: Drew Callen | 04/21/2020 at 03:02 PM
Like what everyone else said, I really liked how you described some of the things that happened in the past, while still managing to be “talking” from the present. The parallel structure was really good too.
Posted by: Mark | 04/21/2020 at 03:11 PM