Commenting Metacognition
Assignment #1

Writing Peice #1

One Day After Another

     I wake up to the sharp glare from the sun slipping through the cracks of the window shades. After dozing off multiple times it was already too late to wake up for advisory, so I knew I had to go fast. I rolled out of my bed as a burst of coldness permeates my body as I quickly get in some clothes and head downstairs. I grab my  iPad just to see that the charger that it was on wasn’t working, so I had to plug in a portable one and head downstairs into my basement fast. Once I got down there it was already 9:03 which meant I was already late, so I quickly logged in, and p,aged it off like nothing happened. The day was starting off rough, but it was looking like it was taking a turn for the better because when I checked my schedule I had no zooms. This day may be good after all...wait never mind I have five assignments due the next day, ugh. Instead of procrastinating I got to work with one of my friends Jackson which is who I do a lot of my work with because we have some classes together. After a couple hours of hard work I realized that there was only ten minutes until later day advisory, so I relaxed on my beanbag until then. I eventually joined advisory which and looked down at my schedule which was when I realized that I had arts in 15 minutes, and I am not very good at the comedy. During the zoom we did a rehearsal and I messed up my lines multiple times which was very embarrassing. Finally I got done with the last period of the day which meant that I could do whatever I want, so I went outside for  while and got a nice run in. Once it got dark I ate dinner with my family, played some Warzone with my friends, and then my day slowly drifted into a good nights rest. Now time to do the same thing all over again.




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This is a great exploration and recounting of your day. It's really fun in a teacher kind of way to read what life is really like for students. For this I am very grateful. It was truly fun to read and thought-provoking.

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