Metacognition For 2000 Leagues Under the Sea.
20000 Leagues metacognition
“We may brave human laws, but we cannot resist natural ones.”
― 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
I started “20000 Leagues under the Sea” By Jules Vern, in order to get to the 100 point goal the fastest, but I quickly got hooked by the book. Once this happened, I found myself regularly reading extra time, I found it really easy to just read 60 minutes instead of 30, and eventually I reached the halfway point. I did some math at the beginning of reading the book, and calculated that the diameter of the planet isn’t 20000 leagues, so I was going to call out Jules Vern for being scientifically inaccurate, but he quickly proved me wrong, he scientifically predicted how to run a submarine perfectly, explaining how the air locks and electricity worked, I think a submarine from the modern day actually might have been inspired by Jules Vern, that’s how actually he created the submarine. In the meantime, captain Nero wins the award for the most mysterious character. He’s filthy rich, hates the land, and owns a submarine in the 19th century. Not only this, but his name means nothing. I hope to learn more about captain Nero, his crew and the rest of the Nautilus, while I’m reading in class or my bedroom.