Why Andrew Ryan’s Dream Failed
Why Libertarianism Doesn’t Work
”I am Andrew Ryan, and Welcome to Rapture”
-Andrew Ryan
Recently, I finished the video game Bioshock which is set in and underwater city, in which society has collapsed. The story and setting were both cool and fun, but what interested me the most was the ideals in which this society was founded.
Andrew Ryan built Rapture, the city in which Bioshock takes place, in order for the world’s “Best and Brightest” to thrive without government intervention. He views ideologies such as communism, and capitalism as “parasitic” since people can receive help from the government. He thinks that “Every man should be entities to the sweat of his own brow”. In the end, rapture collapsed into anarchy, and this is why it didn’t work.
After a few years, there were massive wealth gaps, since some people were lucky and thrived, but most couldn’t thrive without some help from the government. So, the top 1% of Rapture ended up being extraordinarily wealthy, and the top 2% was the equivalent of middle class. This meant that resentment grew in Rapture until it popped. All of the wealthy areas were attacked by a lower class militia, and in the end, Rapture failed. Showing us that once again, democracy and Capitalism are the best methods of running a nation.