The Power of Choice
All quiet on the Western Front

Socratic Seminar Script

Socratic Seminar Script 


Chapter Three was a chapter focused on the way power corrupts the human man.  Someone who was a poor, “Peasant” in Germany, could be an officer in the Army, and especially during war time, being promoted was easy. So when people that aren’t used to power and don’t know how to handle it are put into a position of power, then they are easily led into being corrupt and abusing their newfound power. This happened in WW1, it happened in the crusades Centuries before, and it is still happening now. Power corrupts, and this is a known fact. This usually doesn’t work out for those in power, because the people being abused can rise up and overthrow their superiors. This is why Democracy works, those who get elected are well liked and (usually) know how to run a country. So when someone the people like is put in power by the people are is constrained by checks and balances, while also having a limited time in power, it usually works out well. But this system doesn’t apply to the Military, where in some cases rampant corruption can exist. In the end, sometimes great corruption scandals get released about officers and Generals in the Armed Forces, and this will continue unless some change to the system is made.
