Rip Van Winkle and His Escape From “Opression”
Remaking a Grade at Camp Belknap


Talking about Unimportant Things in Quarantine

image from the random is better than the spontaneous.”




While I have been in quarantine, the only people I have talked to in person have been my family. Which was alright at first, but has grown tiresome after three weeks, and I long to talk to someone else now, which I never would have thought an introvert like me would want. But all of that aside, my brother has been very helpful to me throughout the time. Not only is he usually willing to talk to me, but unlike my parents he never asks me how my day was, we just talk about completely random and very unimportant stuff. 


Without my brother to talk to, quarantine would certainly be much worse, and I don’t even talk to hi very much, just 2-3 times a day for 15 minutes or so, and that’s all I really need. He is (usually) more than willing to share what is on his mind, and for me it is the same, but it normally goes something like this: “Hey Elliot, have you heard the X Video Game is on sale?” “No, and why would I care about a game like that?” He would sigh and say: “It has X feature Y Feature and Z Feature, how could you not want it?” Then I would explain how I don’t care about the features, and am completely uninterested in the game, and the conversation evolves into something else, until after 15 minutes we get bored and stop talking. It is the little things like this that have helped me during these trying times.


My brother has been more helpful then he probably thinks, since I talk to him the least in my house. But this is a good thing, sometimes I need a different face to talk to, and my brother is as different as it can get right now. Even though I wish I could just go to school and talk face to face with the people that I know, Calvin is the closest thing to this. He also is nearly always willing to talk, and, as. Have said before, he is willing to talk about the most random things. Not school, not how m day went, but whatever is on his mind, which is usually nothing to do with either school or how his day went, which is relieving to me like and oasis is relieving to a desert nomad. 


In the end, my brother has helped me  in more than a few ways recently, but mostly because he and I can talk about random but relatable things. I took this for granted when I had all of the people in the world to talk to, but now that I’ve only talked face to face with three other people for the past 20 days, it’s nice to just talk to him about activities that do not require a brain to do. When this crisis is over, I will surely be more grateful about being able to talk to anybody I want, and I think the world will learn ore as a whole about being quarantined. So thank you for talking to me Calvin.
