Narrative Reflection Paragraph

End Of Year Reflection

Kimball Khetani

May 31, 2019

Fitz English 8


End Of Year Reflection

How I Improved On Reading And Writing


Give a damn and figure it out

- FItz


    This year was full of writing and reading. As a class we read, Tom Sawyer, All Quiet On The Western Front, and we had a free read. Those books took up about three quarters of our year and while we were not reading, we were writing literary analysis’, narratives, and literary reflections. This year was full of work and reading but I learned a lot of classics, writing techniques, and why we annotate books that we read. I was very disruptive in class and I apologize for that but that didn’t stop me from learning. I kept moving forward and as the year progressed, I got better and better at writing, reading a focusing in class. 

    I think that I did a really good job learning these different writing and reading techniques. I really enjoyed using the writing rubrics because when I write just a really long paragraph, I run out of ideas. But when I have the rubric, I find myself writing different ideas into the different boxes and I end up with a very good essay or paragraph. At the beginning of the year I didn’t want to write. Our first assignment was to write five-hundred words and I was so worried. But as the year progressed I learned to be able to write more and I was beginning to become a better writer.

    In my past schools, for english all we would do is read but that wasn’t going to help me for college. This year, Fitz’s main goal was to get us prepared for high school. He taught us how to read for a long time without getting bored an writing a lot but with one topic. I am struggling writing this metacognition but if I wasn’t in Fitz’s class, I would be able to write two-hundred words. He taught us to be patient, and write, write, write. I am going to be well prepared for college and high school because I will know how to write like a pro and read like a expert.

    It was a very rough year for me in english class. I was a very misbehaved kid. Sam and I were very troublesome together but not as much when we were apart. I am like the gasoline and he is the flame and the other way around. When we are near each other, we usually get in trouble. We are really good friends though. I get in trouble a lot and I don’t usually mean to. Sometimes, I think I am doing something funny and I don’t even think about the consequences. I get in trouble and I realize how stupid it was to do it. I have been trying not to do stupid things lately and Fitz threatening to tell my parents has really helped even though I shouldn’t need to be threatened to stop. This year has been awesome and full of challenges and there were some good times. I learned about reading, writing, and improving my behavior.

