Chapter 8 Theme Exploration
Metacognition On Experience Reading All Quiet On The Western Front

Independent Blog Post



Dont be afraid to rock the boat. If somebody falls off your boat, they were not ment to be in it


    On Saturday morning I was really excited. I was going with my dad to the woodshop at Fenn to re-varnish the wood that is on my boat. Last year, my parents went to this auction at Fenn and they won this thing where you can do any project with Mr. Hienze. I chose to re-varnish the wood. We got there at eight thorty in the morning and he was already there and getting ready for us. I think that he was more excited than my dad and I. We immediatly got started. We had to sand the old varnish and stain off of the wood in order to put the new coats on and that was the hard part. Mr Hienze and I used the huge sander to get the big pieces of wood while my dad what using a electri handheld sander to get the small areas. If my dad and I did this at home it would take forever but at Fenn it took a while but at the end the wood looked brand new. Then we took some tack cloths to wipe off the extra sand dust that was on the wood. That way there wouldn't be any lumps on the wood at the end. After that we started to paint the appoxy on. My dad and I were planning n using stain but Mr. Hienze suggested that we use appoxy so that we could see the grains in the wood and it would look better. We ended up applying only one coat of the appoxy because it takes overnight for it to dry. My takeaway from this experience is that you have to be responsible for your own stuff. It was really hard work but it is going to look much better than it did. 
