Something Boring
My Fatal Flaw

Connecting Adam Aronovitz’s Activity To The Odyssey

Kimball Khetani

Ms. Wade

English 9

October 20, 2019


Connecting Adam Aronovitz’s Activity to the Odyssey

     36D8E2C9-DB34-4B75-ACBB-BF5766D40B89Life begins at the end of you comfort zone

- Unknown

    When I walked into the library and saw paper, scissors and tissue paper, I thought that the activity was going to be a little childish. When we got started I was confused with the directions because he gave us a totally random country, and we had to make resources out of the material we had and try to give it to the other country. The two countries were Minia and Maro.

    As Maro, our country got to work and made some schools and houses with the paper. We went over to the other country to try to give it to them the schools and houses but they would not accept them. We tried making some more things to bring them, but they still said no. We finally gave up and came to the conclusion that Minia was very arrogant because they didn’t think that we could make what they want. At the end of the activity we all came together to talk about what went well and what went bad. And I don’t think that anyone said anything that went well. The main thing that everyone from Minia said was bad was that we were trying to give them stuff that they didn’t want and maybe if we had let them explain what they needed then it could've gone better and everyone would be happy. 

    During the activity I also noticed that Maro had virtue. We were always trying to give Minia what we thought they wanted. We found all sorts of things to make out the origami and tissue paper. We made money, houses, schools, transportation, water and fields. Maro attempted to give all of those items away but we never considered asking what they might have wanted. 

    Adam showed a lot of metis coming up with this activity. It was interesting how he kind of set us up to fail and disagree with each other. When we were not succeeding in what we wanted to do, we didn’t realize what we should’ve been doing better. I found it cool that when we all came together to talk about how the Minia and Maro could’ve taken a different approach in which we all agreed with and found the reasoning to our failure. 

    Overall, this activity was really cool. I really liked the activity and talking about it at the end. Adam did a great job explaining and executing the activity.
