What Music does for Me
The effect of music

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato
Music the key to a full life. Music is a way for me to make certain things more enjoyable and get ready for things that are coming. When getting ready for games, or doing math homework: there are two things both of those activities have in common; that is music. Music can be used for different purposes depending on what you’re doing. It can be used to focus, it can be used to calm yourself, it can be used at events, it can be used to break tension in a room, and it can be used for entertainment. Every night after I have math class, I always have some sort of math assignment. Usually it’s just simplifying stuff, or breaking a problem down, which isn’t too hard for me, to the point where I really have to focus; so I just sit in my basement, put my headphones on, and listen to music as I do my math homework. On an average afternoon after school, I have loads of homework. All I feel are useless and are unnecessary, but math I don’t have a problem with—unless I have to do any work problems—because I can do it while listening to “T-Shirt” by Migos and “Dreams and Nightmares” by Meek Mill. I just sit down, and enjoy calmness of doing something I feel is productive, while listening to some stellar tunes, and doesn’t strain my brain too hard. I bang out my ten or so problems, and move on to doing some other homework assignment. While doing my math homework, I don’t really think about what I’m doing too much. I normally just feel like I’m on a wave, gliding back into shore without a care in the world. That is what this is like, if there is a problem I don’t understand, I’m just thinking: “Ok whatever, just do it the way you did the other stuff, if you get it wrong nobody gives a ...” Anyway, music can make some of the most boring things fun, and can brighten your day little by little. Personally, music surrounds my life and is important to most, if not all, things I do.