Windsor Mountain Essay

Journal Entry #7


Garrett Lanagan


Do not whine... Do not complain. Work harder. Spend more time alone.”

-Joan Didion





So far school is going well. I played the first game of football and am ready to play the second. Though I broke my finger during the first game and I got a lot of bruises on my arms. I have connected with old friends and have made new ones as well. Our grade went on a trip to Windsor mountain and we stayed there for 3 days 2 nights. The second night I believe our cabin got down to below freezing. In the football game I broke my finger late in the first quarter and played through the rest. I got triple teamed at the line which meant that all three of there offensive linemen blocked me at once. I didn’t get a tackle or a sack in the game but I got through every block that Fay put on me. In science we are working on metric conversion. In math we are working on algebra. I like all my teachers and have been catching up on all work and have been getting good grades. The first few days of football were tough because we worked on conditioning the whole time. I worked out in summer but I couldn’t account for the drills we were doing so my body wasn’t ready. On the 23rd of September we had a flag football practice and in football we had a round robin tournament and if you weren’t playing in the game you had to do conditioning. When my team did conditioning we had to hold a push-up position for an extended period of time. After this we ran over to the wall on the other side of the field and came back. We ran around a pole in the corner of the other side of the field and came back. We then did line jumps and tricep stretches of the benches and did that for a minute. By the time we got in for the second game I was exhausted. I gave what juice I had left and we ended up with a 2-0 record which was the highest out of all the 4 teams


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Drew Callen

I agree a lot that football has some really hard conditioning

Yoni Ghansah

I have never tried doing real football though I seems pretty hard. I hope that you can overcome that challenge. Great Job!

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