Power Of Friendship Paragraph
Power Of Friendship
Everyone should have a friend that you can relate to.
“Friendship is one of the sweetest joys of life”
-Charles Spurgeon
Friends are people who scan make you laugh. I learned that friends can help you laugh. In a great day, my friend and I bounced on a trampoline. Later that day we thought it was a good idea to bounce each other in a plastic bucket filled with water. Kal and I had a sleepover and the next day was awesome. First his dad made us chocolate pancakes for breakfast. After that we went outside and tried a water slide. We then used the hose to fill up a bucket to bounce on a trampoline with.
As we started filling up the bucket we knew it was a bad idea. We were going to have fun so it canceled each other out. We were on the trampoline and when the bucket was filled I started the jumping. At this point I was having a bad time and realized the importance of friends and laughing. I am now more happy then I ever was and try to make other people’s lives better. I think we should all try that. Everyone should try to laugh with a friend sometimes.