What Music Means to Me
My Iambic Trimeter Poem

My Iambic Poetry

I Hate  This Suff 

Huge Waste  Of Time 

I’d Rather be locked up in cuffs 

Or out enjoying the day it’s fine 


Homework is tough 

Can’t stand this crap 

It has turned my brain to fluff 

I have sudden bursts of anger I give the desk a rap


These poems are very hard to make, balancing the rhyme scheme with the Iambic beat. I learned a few tricks that I will continue to use only my next poem. These are; however, extremely fun to write.


My favorite sport 

It’s fun to play 

Each play is short 

And when you score they yell hooray 


Football is fun 

It can’t be beat 

You have to stop the pass or run 

And hand your opponent defeat

I met a sort of mental block in writing this one, I didn’t really know what to write about. So I just wrote about the one activity I love most, football. It was much easier to write these hard poems about something I enjoy doing so much, this was a valuable lesson I will take with me in future writing.
