Power of friendship
Tom Soyer paragraph

The heart of a worrier

Kal Lonergan

Class 2

Call of the Wild

November 26 2019


Haert of a Worrier

The heart of a worrier will always provail 


All good things are wild, and free. Henry David Thoreau


It's a Monday morning, around 6:15am and I still haven't read the chapter of The Call of the Wild and it's due second period. I rush to open my bag, I rip out my iPad and flip it open. It was probably the fastest I had moved in a while, I open up the book and just start grinding out the chapter. I read the fastest I have ever read, sure I had no idea what I had read in the chapter but hey, I read it didn't I. I did go home that night and read it again, but I was prepared for class. Or so I thought, I got to class and remembered the meticognitions we had to write. I went home read it again and finished my writing. 

Perseverance is what makes greatness. In the book Call of The Wild Buck shows great perseverance as he went from a domesticated dog from California to a dog slender in UConn. Through the book, Buck the domesticated dog that turned into a warrior,  had his ups and downs but Buck persevered through the tough times and never gave up. This caused him to become the best dog sledder in the world. In chapter one Buck shows a big sight of perseverance. He was beat by a man who was trying to get him to become a dog sledder, at the time buck was still in California and was a domesticated dog, he never wanted to become a dog sledder until the man abused him and forced him to do it, but  buck fought the man back even though he was in such pain. He attacked the man with his blood all over him and hit the man hard. He showed perseverance because he didn’t sit back as he was getting abused, he fought back and showed the man that he was a warrior and that he had a heart.  


“After a particularly fierce blow, he crawled to his feet, too dazed to rush. He staggered limply about, the blood flowing from nose and mouth and ears, his beautiful coat sprayed and flecked with bloody slaver. Then the man advanced and deliberately dealt him a frightful blow on the nose. All the pain he had endured was as nothing compared with the exquisite agony of this. With a roar that was almost lionlike in its ferocity, he again hurled himself at the man.”

(The call of the wild) ~ Jack London 

Chapter 1


Here Buck shows that he had to persevere because he was hurting as the man abused him but he still fought back even thought he knew that he would get abused even more Perseverance doesn’t come easy it’s something you have to work for and show the heart of a warrior while doing so. Buck isn’t just and ordinary dog, he persevered like no other had done before. Through all the tough times that happened, from being abused in the beginning to becoming the lead sled dog. Buck proved the definition of perseverance and showed the heart like no other. Throughout the rest of the his life in the wilderness, Buck showed great perseverance and showed that he would never give up and never quit. Buck realized that he would have to fend for himself and become the best sled dog he could. Buck had to persevere through the whole novel from getting sold to an abusive dog owner to fighting his peers to the death. For Buck his perseverance lead him to be the lead sled dog. 



Survival is an instinct that everyone must have. Buck showed everyone that he had great survival skills through the book, he had to move from a hot setting in  California to a cold setting in UCONN. Throughout he book, Buck the domesticated dog had to prove himself to his new peers. He had to prove his worth to them and show him he could survive in his new habitat and new life. He had to survive the freezing weather in UCONN and survive the tormenting from Spits. This caused him to become a better dog and a tougher surviver. Buck had struggled with the temperature change from California to UCONN. He had struggled with the snowy terrain and the cold sleeping spots. Even sleeping with the fire right next to him wasn't enough. Throughout the book Buck had to toughen out the pain of the cold and fight to survive. He had to persevere through the fights, the abuse, the pain, the cold and become the best sled dog he could. Buck had to have a fire in his heart to fight through the pain and survive. Buck had the heart of a warrior. 



And through it all Buck staggered along at the head of the team as in a nightmare. He pulled when he could; when he could no longer pull, he fell down and remained down till blows from whip or club drove him to his feet again.”... “It was heartbreaking, only Buck's heart was unbreakable. The man in the red sweater had proved that.”





Here Buck has  to  survive the cold weather and a really bad day at the mountain while he was sledding. All the other dogs founder stay on their feet as they fell in the snow, without any sense of muscle in them,  but  buck was the only one to stand and survive all  the falls. He lead the team showing that he had all the heart, coming from a hot setting he had to survive the freezing cold. He now was used to the cold and was the only dog to keep walking and standing. In life you need to adapt and survive when you are not at your comfort  zone. Through the book Buck shows his great survival skills and his adaptation skills as he from hating the cold to loving the cold.  Throughout Bucks time at UConn nothing was more important than survival and for every sled dog there that was a tough task. Buck had to do everything that he could to survive. When everyone had given up and was collapsing in the snow Buck wouldn’t give up and made it back to camp and proved he was a survivor. Buck survived like no other and showed the definition of survival. 


Failure leads to success. The Call of the Wild was a very challenging novel for a slow, not to bright reader. These chapters are long, action pact, and full of confusing words. Most of the time I had to read the chapter multiple times. These chapters already took me 45 minutes to read and the do it multiple times it took forever. I planned to be able to read this book like most of the school books I read, last minute and able to understand it only reading it once. However, after the first time reading The Call of the Wild I knew that wasn't an option. I had to read part of the chapter in school and the rest at home. Reading one chapter took longer than the rest of my homework combined. After I read The Call of the Wild I learned that no matter how challenging something is to you, you can always keep practicing it and do it over and over again. You will always understand it at one point in time. In the end I had to ask myself, was it worth it? To that I say no. Reading each chapter.


Buck had to survive and persevere throughout his life with abuse, awful weather, and tormenting. I had to survive and persevere throughout The Call of the Wild as it was a long and tough read. 


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Andrew Crofton

Nice spelling on title.

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