Power of respect
Power of respect
Respect everyone
Respect others and become respected. In life, if I hadn't respected who I did, I wouldn't be where I am. If I hadn't respected all the teachers or principals that yelled at me or I was just annoyed at, there is no way I would be hear today with so many connections. Back at Curtis Middle School in 2016 my idiotic 11 year old brain thought it would be a good idea to draw on the bathroom walls. Nothing inopropriot, just 11 year old kid drawings. I got caught and had to talk with the principal. The principal yelled at me and threatened to suspend me. You could see how angry she was just by how she stared at you. You need to respect everyone you come across even if you hate or really don't like them. You never know who they know and who they have connections with. respect everyone even your enemies.