Tom Soyer paragraph
Procrastinating Kills
How procrastinating can impact your life negatively
“Never step into a lifeboat, wait until the last second” - John Fitzsimmons
Procrastinating is fun in the moment but hell later. Like Tom Soyer, I always procrastinate. It doesn't matter what it is, I will always procrastinate. I wait until last minute to do small things like make my bed, cold my londrey, or do the dishes. I even procrastinate on big things, I waited until last minute to write this story. I planned to do a quick read and just write about nonsense in this paragraph. In reality I had to read it a few times because I one really liked the story and saw a bit of myself in Tom. I learned that I still hate reading. I will always procrastinate with reading. I might change with other thing on the to-do list but reading is not on that list. In the end I truly think that reading this story was worth it. Reading about Tom was really fun (not really). Even though I hate reading it was worth it.
I liked how you used one of Fitz’s quotes, and I also procrastinate a lot, which makes this passage relatable.
Posted by: Drew Callen | 12/20/2019 at 06:06 AM
I really liked your introduction/broad theme. It was a hook and it was meaningful. I like how as your smoking gun, you list multiple instances of you procrastinating, rather than just taking one example and describing it in detail. It was different, in a good way.
Posted by: Gabriel | 12/20/2019 at 06:18 AM
I can relate to your theme a lot because I will tend to find myself procrastinating a lot during homework or studying, but then later in the day I have like amazing amounts of homework piled up and I hate myself for not doing them earlier. Also I like how I the end you talk about how it was worth it in the end to read the story because he could see himself in the story.
Posted by: Finn hudson | 12/20/2019 at 06:29 AM
I can relate to your theme because I always find myself procrastinating and trying to get out of work. But I always end up regretting it because Ill have a ton of homework piled up in a single day, which isn’t fun. I liked how you said in the end its worth it to read the story.
Posted by: Willie Belle | 12/20/2019 at 06:36 AM