Music mentor
Music mentor
everyone has a mentor
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take
Everyone has that one singer who they connect with. For me, I really connected to NF (Nathan John Feuerstein) the first time I heard him. One thing that NF and I have in common is that we both had a parent with addiction. When I listen to his song How Could You Leave Us, which is about his mother who is extremely addicted to opium and nicotine, it shows me that I’m not the only one going through something. The first ever song I heard of NF’s one How Could You Leave Us. I remember laying in bed just listening to music when it came on. I wanted to skip because I had no idea who he was, but I liked the beat so I listened to it. I remember listening to it and really connecting with the lyrics. Every time I listen to that song it brings me back to when my family was in its darkest time, and how I’m not the only one that went through that same problem. Fortunately for me, my parent didn’t end up dying from they’re addiction. When I hear the beat I see the run down apartment my parent was living in, all I smell is marijuana from their neighbors, the broken and grey walls, windows you can’t see threw. I can relate to NF and his experience as a child. I know that whenever I listen to this song there are people that struggle, there are people that don’t escape the darkness, but there are also people willing to help you get through the darkness. I know that NF has gone through much worse than I have and he has done great things. I know that I can do great things no matter what happens. Even the smallest contentions can have the biggest impact.
I really like this writing piece because you showed a great reason how you and that artist connected and why he is your favorite artist instead of just saying you like him because of his music.
Posted by: Finn hudson | 01/13/2020 at 02:25 PM