Music mentor
Doing things with friends

WWW Fenn speech

WWW Fenn Speech


In my journey, I found that there was always someone better than me: someone smarter, stronger, faster, harder working, more talented, more driven, more honest, more pious- just better than I was. It was humbling, but at the same time immensely reassuring, there were so many problems in the world that I could not solve, but maybe someone else could. 

       I learned that life is fragile and that we should take each day as a blessing. A single round from a A1 Qaddafi sniper, an IED on a road less traveled, a C-130 that never returned, a head on collision heading home from work, a parachute that never opened, an X-day that reveled a growing tumor- nothing in life is guaranteed, so make the most of what you have and be thankful. 

       Many times over I found that my success depended on others. It was the simplest of lessons, one I had been taught in basic SEAL training rowing my little rubber boat. And every success I had from that moment on had been because someone helped me. 
        I realized that life is actually pretty simple. Help as many people as possible. Make as many friends as possible. Work as hard as possible. And, no matter what happens, never quit!





reflection: To be honest, I don’t really like this speech. I didn’t really know what to do, so I just asked Fitz for a speech. He opened up his book and handed me it pointing at a speech about a SEAL member. I didn’t really like it but I wasn’t going to say no to Fitz. 


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