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February 2020













The only place to get away. The only place to feel free but also trapped. The only place to feel crowded but also so very alone. The only place to be cold on the inside but be in a deep sweat on the outside. 

          Picture this, your sprinting through the halls of an old abandon school. Lights are mainly out and the ones on are flickering. The walls are a blueish grey from the shadows. Lockers are dented and most of them are open. Doors are slightly cracked open. The tile floor is shattered from whatever came before you and what’s now after you. While sprinting you take a glance behind you. It’s satan himself, sprinting straight at you. Every turn you take you hear him slam into the lockers behind you. You start you hear the loud banging footsteps behind you get louder and louder and louder until he grabs you. You see your feet lift off the ground and you close your eyes go brace for what comes next. You open to see a whole new place. A place of joy and happiness. Your back at your old school. Back where you made your first friends. You turn around to see yourself playing touch football with your buddies on the small patch of what you could call grass. Brown grass and the hardest dirt ever. Your having the time of your life. 

            The only place you can truly feel everything at once is a dream. A dream is a getaway but also a place you never want to be. A dream is heaven one night and hell the next. Dreams are the most unpredictable thing ever but that’s what I love about them. You never know what your brain will make up that night. It could be good, it could also be very bad, who knows and who cares. It’s the best place on earth. 

           Drama are the best thing possible. Dreams are a fantasy you have or a fear you have. It could be the devil or your crush. It could be a young you or a huge monster like creature. Dreams can change in an instant but last forever.     

         Some say happy dreams are the best. I agree, I prefer not to wake up and have to search my room at 12:00am for demonic creatures that won’t be there. If your having a down week a good dream might cheer you up. A good dream can change a day, a week, a month, or a lifetime. 

          At the same time, who didn’t like a good horror movie. That’s what a bad dream is. It is your brain making its own horror movie based off your fears. A good scare can be funny in the morning, you talk about it with friends and family. It wakes you up is a sweat, it’s your work out for the day. Not everything is sunshine and rainbows, a good scare can last a lifetime. 


          Don’t be afraid of dreams. Dreams are forever but also gone in a flash. Cherish the good ones and hold on to the bad ones. 



everyone is the same on the inside.  I saw how horrible and kind some people can be in this world. I loved hanging out with my “uncle”. He is not really our uncle he is just a extremely good family friend that we called uncle. He is also not the same race as me, he's black. I love my uncle and would always stay at his house in up state New York. I usually called his by his first name, Bernie, rather than uncle. We loved going to Friendly's for breakfast. The problem with going there is the owner was pretty racist. That particular morning he wasn't the same. He was acting different we wouldn't let us out of his sight. This wasn't one of the first times we had been there. We ordered our food and are with no problems. The problems started when we finished. I had gotten up and was heading to the bathroom when the owner grabbed me and pulled me to the side. As a 7 year old kid i was exactly scared. He started asking me all these questions about if i knew Bernie and if i felt in danger. It only took two questions before Bernie came in and saw how scared i was. He grabbed my are and said “we got to go, i don't want to be here anymore.” As we started to head out we noticed police storming in and rushing right at us. They tried to arrest bernie but we convinced them that he didn't kidnap me and i was ok. The employees also stepped in and helped us out. The way he had just stepped in and didnt doing gradually was awful. He had just assumed that because he was a different race than me he MUST have kidnaped me. I think that there needs to be more empathetic people in the world. There are too many bad people in this world and not enough good ones.



Doing things with friends

Doing Things With Friend


             No matter what, friends are always there for you. Even though my friend doesn’t snowboard, he is always up to learn something new. Even though my friend was getting frustrated at snowboard I was there to help teach him. It was a perfect day for snowboard. Fresh snow from the night before. Snow day which means nobody on the mountain fast lifts at Wachusett just my friend and I. I’ve been snowboarding my whole life. I’ve been sponsored sense I was 11. My friend on the other hand, never snowboarded or skied his whole life. I knew how hard learning to snowboard really is, but he didn’t. On the first lift up he wouldn’t shut up about how good he will be and how easy it will be to learn, “It just like skateboarding, just stand on a board and have good balance.” He said as he was about to get off the lift. To make matters better/worse he got off the lift perfectly, it really brought his hopes up and confidence up, but it also brought his confidence up. He has all on his high horses and talking about how easy it is and how it not hard at all. I laughed and just simply said “Okay, if you say so.” I did his bindings and everything to teach him. After that I stood him up and held him so he could feel the board under him. As soon as I let go he fell. All I could say was “I thought it was easy.” As the day went on he was learning pretty well but also falling a lot. He got sick and tired of falling and decided he was done. He took his board off and walked down the mountain. After a hour or so I talked him back into going up again. On the way down he fell twice. All the other times he was falling at least ten times. He was pumped. For the rest of the day he was staying under five. In the end he learned that I was there for him to help him learn and help him get back up.