Final writing
Dear Fitz
My year as a writer in your class was definitely a first for me. I never tried in any writing homework you gave us. I always said that I would try if I was interested in the topic but I wouldn’t try. You always said that I was a good writer and I just needed to try harder but I never understood what that meant. I took that as oh I’m good enough to get A’s and not even try. My goal as a writer was to get it done with cutting as many corners as possible without getting a bad grade. I would add extra words just to reach the word minimum. I would go off subject just to get it done faster. I would just get it done as fast as I possibly could. I would never proofread any of my work and I’m guessing you knew that. I also never understood the comma rules so I still can’t use them properly. The way I write is I just talk. I talk in my head and try and keep up with typing the words. I didn’t care if it was right or not I just wrote. And I’m doing most of what I’ve said in this writing. I’m just trying to get it done and over with. It’s 1:30 am and I’m not thinking of what I should write, I’m thinking of what I am writing. My favorite types of writing assignments are when you said just write. Unfortunately that only happened once. I like those because I let my ADHD take over and just type. There was a assignment that I wrote 1,000+ words in 20 minutes. If you asked me what I was writing about I wouldn’t know. All my work for you Fitz was done either in class or at 1am. I leave the assignments for late because 1. I don’t want to do them one bit and 2. That’s when my brain can just go. I have a whole doc on just what my brain goes at 1am. It’s full of just stuff waiting for a free write assignment. I have no idea what I’ve typed so far this metacognitions. And no I’m not going to re read this or read for a first time. Fitz could you maybe stop using the word metacognition , I mean could you have used a word that’s harder to spell.