Hot Suace
Explosions Of Food
“Variety’s the very spice of live that gives it all its flavor”
-William Cowper
Hot sauce, what would I do with out it. Food would never explode in my mouth like a pyromaniac was thrown inside My mouth and went insane. One might say I have a, addiction to hot sauce. This doesn’t always go in my favor.
Sometimes I will bight off more then I can chew... or drink? In sixth grade I found Carolina reaper oil hot sauce, supposedly the Carolina reaper is the hottest pepper in the world. I took one teaspoon sized lick, and BOOM I was smack across the face with a spicy barrage of flavor. First delicious then it went bad. This was the hottest thing I’ve ever eaten. My mouth actually hurt, I drank milk but it only made it worse. Milk went into my nose, my nose was on fire, my mouth was on fire. I needed a fire extinguisher, but what? So I stuffed my face with ice cubes, and sat there for thirty minutes until the pain went away. Your would have thought I would have learned my lesson right, nope. I still do this on a monthly basis but I have no regrets.
I love hot sauce and hopefully will always me able to stomait. Hot sauce to me is a metaphor for life hard stomach at time but if you look closely you will fin something amazing and flavorful.