Music The Magic Therapy
music is medicine
Music can do so much more then you think it could. In a way music is a therapy, has made me happy, sad, mad, and so much more. Music is a therapy. If your sad listen to sad music to help. If your happy listen to happy music. It’s a way to put all your negative emotions away, or to make all your positive emotions be stronger. Music has helped me in so many ways. For example when I was nervous about applying to schools I listened to music which transported me to another world, I could focus. Also music helps me set a mood for the day in the morning. When I do homework I listen to music. When Im in the car I listen to music. When I go to sleep. When I’m sad, happy, or angry. When I’m stressed. I always listen to music no matter what I’m doing because music is an amazing thing that can make you mad, happy, sad. It can bring people together. At awkward family gatherings what do you all have in common? You all like music. Music can make you feel love. Music can spread messages to people about oppression, pain, love, excitement, wisdom, and peace. If you right music it’s a way to express your own emotions and share them with the world. Music has given me more then I can ever give it back. It has comforted me and helped me through the hardest of times. Music is something magic it can heal people. It’s the best medicine you can ever get. Without music I would have gone crazy and ran away. With out music I would have gone insane. I would be a total jerk to everyone. But because of music I hace somewhere to express how I feel. It doesn’t get any better then music. Music is the most amazing and powerful thing that I know of. It will be that way my whole life.