Parker’s Iambic Poems
Choices Paragraph


Random Thoughts


Why do these have to rhyme a)

I would pay more then a dime (a)

To make not all of lines(a)

Rhyme I don’t know how I    (a)


Will do this for everyone (a)

I am not close to done(a)

Writing this is no fun(a)

I can not see the sun (a)


snow will be the next day  (a)

I do hope and I pray(a)

 if there was I would be gay (a)

If not I will be sad today (a)


This poem is not very good (a)

 it’s bad even though it should  (a)

Be better than this what would (a)

I would do something else if I could(a


This poem is extremely hard to write. I had to cut out words making some line makes no sense. I also couldn’t focus on one topic because you can only have so many things rhyme about one topic.Iambic
