Narrative Paragraph on Through the Tunnel

Teacher Narrative Paragraph


No Excuses

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Give a damn and figure it out

     Give a damn and figure it out, good words to live by. Mr Fitzsimmons my English teacher at Fenn said "Give a damn and figure it out". I've heard this from the beginning of the year and in almost every single class, "Give a damn and figure it out". I remember the first day of class when he gave the class our first assignment. He said something along the lines of, if you don't know how to do it then give a damn and figure it out because you'll probably find a way to work around it. The next class everyone came in having not checked the blog for the homework because we "forgot". We tried to say things like, "it wasn't on the calendar", or "it wasn't posted", because it was what we were used to. But we knew we had homework, we had heard him say it in class. But all of us just wanted to make an excuse to not do our homework. The class after that we started to understand the meaning of this ideology more and more. It was more then just a saying, it's a life style. To try and to rely on yourself to get stuff done. If you hand in something incomplete or not well written, its no ones fault but you own. In this class I've learned and I've failed. I've made mistakes and I've fixed them. This saying has made me a better student and worker. Its helped to not blow things off when I should be working on them. Its taught me the lesson that when you make mistakes they are your mistakes and no one else's. Mr Fitzsimmons has made me not only exponentially better at writing but he has made me a better person too. Fitz's English was more than a class; it was a experience, a life lesson.
