Daily Journal #3
Daily Journal #3
It took me a while to get started on today’s journal. Today is Saturday, the first weekend after a full week of school. I think it’s fair to say that we are finally getting back into the swing of things.
The reason it took me so long to get started on today’s journal is because I had already done most of my work today. I’m not bragging, I did the work for my other classes because I feel pretty behind on English. I still need to write this, my Reading Log and do commenting.
I started today off slow, I got up at 9 and just relaxed until four. I did some homework rather slowly and wound up with just English left. In a lot of ways it still feels like break, or at least in my mind. I’m not as attentive to things getting done and I still send the majority of my day doing nothing. I guess that’s okay, because we’re locked indoors, and the school day is more tiring than before.
It’s weird to think how much I’ve been in my room. It’s where I sleep, take zoom classes, do my work for classes, do homework, spend my free time. I’m looking out the same window I have been for the last month or so.
I don’t really know if we’re going back this year. I hope we do. I’d be too strange to never see anyone again, and I’d be an awful way to leave Fenn. How would we even graduate? It’s interesting to be living through this, I’ve never stayed home for so long, but it’s such a sour note. It feels as if we’ve lost out on something important. All the fun stuff that was saved for the end of the year has suddenly vanished, and in it’s place is just the same view I’ve been looking out for weeks.
I try to stay optimistic though. I think I’ve talked about this in my first journal, but it’s hard to think about anything else. That’s what I’m hoping to do for my senior reflection, not Coronavirus. This might be the first video senior reflection ever, so I got to set a good standard. Mr. Duane recommended I wear a suit and tie, which I think would be pretty funny. I have no clue where I want to film it though. I’m actually looking forward to it. I can do multiple takes, which takes a lot of the pressure off. I want to make it interesting, I have a chance to change the style of a senior reflection, so it’s definitely something I could make my own.
As for everything else, it’s been fairly uneventful. I finally got my decision in, so I won’t have to worry about high school until September. I’m excited, it’ll definitely be much different, but that’s something that I think every 9th grader kinda wants. It’s going to be sad leaving Fenn in such a disappointing way, but the very end doesn’t matter too much, it’s all just sitting around. Anyway, I shouldn’t be too reminiscent while I’m still here, so I guess I’ll just have to take it day by day.