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September 2018

My Summer..

Different Ends of the World


 “Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”
Henry James

It was the last day of summer, a sad day for me. I was sitting on a train on my way home from New York, visiting my grandmother. I was enjoying listening to all the new music that had come out while I was gone at camp while wolfing Dow three Krispy Kreme donuts form Penn Station. The summer was over, which was stressful, however, thinking back on it I realized what an incredible experience I had had. I had grown, matured and learned so much, and I could not have felt better prepared to work hard and tackle the year ahead will full force. I saw the beauty of nature swimming deep in the water on the Adriatic sea by the coast of Dubrovnik, I flew over a hundred meters in the air over baby blue rushing rivers, and best of all, I made friendships that will last a lifetime in the cool, clear lakes of Northern Ontario.

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"Genius is patience"- Isaac Newton


It was the second day of of our senior class retreat to the middle-of-no-where New Hampshire, a dreaded trip by many. However many of us had an unexpectedly great experience. The over excited tone of some counselors, although annoying, did feel like they really cared about us. Some were over traditional and came off as sort of obnoxious and unnecessarily strict, others however were much more relaxed, understanding and caring. What I took away from the trip were three main qualities which are essential social success; the ability to listen, have patience, and to build on old and start new relationships. 


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A Slice of Fenn Life

A Slice of Fenn Life







"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." - Alexander the Great




There are so many great things about being a Fenn student. However the one that is most appropriate to write about at the moment is the leadership roles and opportunities that are naturally given to members of the senior class. 


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Summer Camp

Summer Camp





Flipping up a canoe is like a badge of honor. It was my third summer at camp and I had to learn how to get it done. I slid the 120 pound cedar canvas waterlogged boat up on my knees, then I did the deepest squat I could possible do. I pushed the canoe up with my hips so that I was grabbing both gunnels with the massive vessel vertical on my thighs. That was the easy part, I then stood up as fast as I could held with all of its weight on my right arm. It felt like I was standing there for a full minute with that weight, but it was only ten seconds. I then flipped it over and on to my head. I had done it noth necessarily the right way but it was on my head with no help. It was an incredible feeling of satisfaction, the type of satisfaction that makes that’s special summer experience the highlight of my year and the thing I miss and look forward everyday.

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