What I am Thankful For
A Child's Christmas in Wales Literary Analysis Essay

A Waste of Time




Procrastination is the thief of time-Edward Young

Time is precious, many take it for granted and don’t use it well. A lot of people procrastinate. I used to procrastinate all the time but I soon learned how much of a waste of time it really is. Ever since I stopped procrastinating and wasting time for no reason but to put of work, I have been less stressed, more successful in school, and happier. I get my homework do right away and the next night I have less and I have time to watch sports. My weekends are more free, so I can do what I want and everything is better. Procrastinating is a habit that people get into and it’s hard to break, however, once that habit is broken everything ends up being much happier and less stressful. Some people can get by with procrastination but the people who can’t have to be mature and know themselves well enough to to break the habit. I feel bad for those people who get caught in a cycle of procrastination because I can relate and I know how hard it is. It’s also fun to be the only one of my friends to be done with a project or an assignment because I kind of enjoy watching others scramble for help at the last minute, even though I do feel a little bad and I try to help as much as I can, I can’t lie about how I honestly enjoy it sometimes. Getting work done is important, and being organized and efficient are keys for success which is the ultimate goal.  Procrastination is like an addiction, people know they shouldn’t continue doing it but they can’t help it.
