An easy text with tough themes
“Having a fishing rod in your hand is merely an excuse to explore out-of-sight depths and reveal mysteries that previously only existed in dreams.“
~ Fennel Hudson
Perseverance gets tough people through tough times. The Old Man and the Sea showed me the value of perseverance because I pushed through each page and found the deeper meaning of the words, while the old man was persevering in the fight against the fish. Reading The Old Man and the Sea taught me about perseverance in two ways. I knew that in order to truly comprehend the text I had to be dedicated to finding the deeper meaning. The more obvious way I learned about perseverance is the old man endured the fish pulling on him for four days, and how this relates to my life.
When I started reading Old Man and the Sea I was expecting that I would read the book and not get much out of it, but I pushed through and read the whole book. The actual text of the book was easy to comprehend. Then, part way through the book, during a class discussion I had the realization of how many life lessons were spread out through the book. The most relevant theme to me was perseverance, I realized this theme when The Old Man was hauling in the fish. He had to stay with the fight and never give up against the massive fish.
The theme of perseverance stood out to me because I try to live my life with grit, and perseverance is similar to grit. The Old Man reinforced the importance of perseverance to me in his fight against the fish and the way he stays with fishing even after not catching a fish for 84 days. These factors revamped my perseverance and reminded me why I strive to live with grit.
Before I started reading The Old Man and the Sea you probably would have heard me say, “why would I want to read that old book.” After reading the book I would now recommend that everyone reads it to remind them why you should persevere through tough situations.