WWFenn Poem
The Power of Empathy

An Experience With a Friend

Lending a Helping Hand


“You’re as much of an idiot now as you will be in 5 years.” 

e all have the ability to change a life. With good friends you can inspire many. There is a time for everyone when they can choose to change a life, or walk away. My baseball team and I chose to change many lives. In the summer of 2019 my Nor’easters baseball team entered the biggest tournament of our lives. Teams came all the way from Texas and Colorado to play in it. But one team stood out. They weren’t the best team, but they were a team playing for a lost teammate, and our team decided to help them out. We saw a massive banner as we entered the baseball diamond, “For number four.” We knew at once that they lost a player. We decided to befriend them, and as they were a less skilled team, we decided to play for them. I took this to heart because I know what it feels like to loose someone. It was the quarter finals and we played for the Kent Island Bucks, we all put 4’s our our cheeks and played the best game I have ever seen, until the last inning. I had pitched up until then, and we had the lead. My coach pulled me out, he trusted our star catcher to go in and pitch, and all hell broke loose. We ended up loosing, but we took home third place in the spirit of the Kent Island Buck. We didn’t care that we didn’t know them, we didn’t care that no one else was doing it, we didn’t care. We changed many lives. The experience we had was one few get the chance to have, and we chose to make the world a slightly better place instead of walking away. Everyone can do something to change a life, big or small, it doesn’t matter.


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Rory Kennealy

Great writing! I really liked your last line when you said everyone can do something to change a life, it is very true.

Max LG

This piece showed that everyone can help anyone. It didn’t matter that you didn’t win the game, but it mattered that you played for their lost member, great job Ethan

Will S.

This is a very powerful piece Ethan. The amount of empathy you showed in that tournament was immense and it is a great examples to others of what to do in those situations. Amazing piece, keep up the good work.

Oliver Ali

This is a very heart warming piece, Ethan. I really like this sentence: “but we took home third place in the spirit of the Kent Island Bucks.” Not only is it extremely well written, but it perfectly exemplifies your overarching theme. Great work.

William O'Malley

This was a great piece, and very good to read about how you didn’t care that you had lost, but that you had still done it for the right reason.

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