Quarantine Memoir
Quarantine Social Life
These past couple of weeks have been difficult being stuck under a roof with family your stuck with. It’s a difficult situation everyone’s in now and even though I don’t need to see them a lot, it’s the only people I really have seen in person for awhile which sometimes stresses me out. I like quarantine for the most part and it gives me almost the whole day to myself and I get to decide what I do with my day. I feel like I can go on awhile longer like this because after all I still get to speak to people online and through video games. However, not being able to speak to anyone else in person has a strange effect on my social life. I feel normal but being social is normally something I am used to is being halted for now.
Even though I have been stuck only with my family, my cousins spent around half the quarantine with us which was a good change from the normal routine. However, we can’t do a lot of the same things we usually do when they come over like go out to the supermarket and but soda and candy and than come back to our house and play call of duty zombies until we’ve eaten it all. But now the store we go to is closed and we are out of batteries for our Xbox controllers and the nearest hardware store is towns over. We also go through the trails behind my house and in their yard on their dirt bikes and quad bikes.
They were some of the only other people really that I have seen in person. But quarantine or not it’s always fun to hang out with them. And in these difficult times human interaction is something limited and valuable. And even if you can’t see anyone in person, my favorite part of my day is talking to friends online as it gives me that little bit of sociability everyone needs every day.